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When building a new home on your lot, many will tell you to spend your time and money on improving the living area. After all, it is the shared space of your home including your living room, lounge, kitchen, and dining room that gets the most traffic. As a result, many a time, your bedroom’s design looks like little boxes on the floor plan. Do you want to compromise on your bedroom area? Will you be comfortable living in a small bedroom when you could get a better deal? If not, then you will be happy to know All State Homes could do a lot to design bedrooms that are more functional. Here are three tips to designing an impressive one:

1. Ensure Your Bedroom has a Pleasant View

You feel good when you get a pleasant view from the bedroom window. So, if you are planning to build on your lot, choose a layout that offers a stunning view of the verdant landscape, trees, front garden, backyard, or a picturesque lake close by.

2. Focus on Privacy

Even when the room is open, it should not compromise the privacy of the space. Ask your builder if a small hall or foyer could be included in your floor plan to block the view of the bedroom from the living space. Choose a layout that separates the bedroom from the common areas such as the family room and kitchen.

3. Ensure Circulation

Circulation does not just imply the airflow in the room. There should be enough space between the furniture sets so that you can move about freely. Make sure that the circulation is kept to one side, making the room look spacious. A large window will allow enough natural light.

A great bedroom design requires planning, time, and refining before you have the perfect plan to fit your living needs. We at All State Homes have 60 plus years of experience in building dream homes. So, if you are planning to build on your lot and unsure about the design and floor plan, contact us today.

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